Karol Radziszewski 2019

Hi, I'm Karol Radziszewski, Java senior developer and hardware maniac. Welcome!

Currently I'm head of embedded R&D at Esember, Wroclaw, Poland

Java EE, Spring and backend technologies - databases, queues - SAP Hybris, Spring Boot/MVC/Security/JDBC/SAML, JPA, Hibernate, MySQL, Oracle, JMS, ActiveMQ, WMQ, AMQP, RabbitMQ

CI and build tools - Maven, Linux/Bash, Jenkins, TeamCity, FishEye, SVN, Git and others

Frontend technologies - JSP, JavaScript, jQuery, React, CSS, Semantic UI, Less, GULP and others

Embedded hardware and software development ESP32/8266, ARM, STM32, MSP430, XMega, in C/C++, '51/x86/MIPS ASM

Android and Google Assistant app development

Some security background, I was member of Intive's Software Assassination Squad - security oriented guild.

You can find me on:


